
Zhejiang Renhe Electronics Co., LTD. - Perfect solution provider of battery connection system and safety protection system

Social responsibility

Anti-corruption and compliance


Renhe Electronics (zi) attaches great importance to the work of integrity construction (she),A special committee on the Code of Conduct (yuan) was set up,With "dare not (bu) rot (fu)      , not (bu) can rot (fu), not (bu) want to decay (xiang)" (fu) for integrity requirements,To build a clean culture with "self-cultivation" as the core,致(zhi)力于打造(zao)成為反腐(fu)敗領域的(de)模范(fan)企(qi)業。

人禾電子將積極打造公正、公開(kai)、透(tou)明、負責任(ren)的采購環境。Actively conduct supplier (kai) exhibition and enterprise (qi) industry sustainable development (guan) training, ensure  products and services (wu) from the source (tou) to meet the requirements of sustainable development (qiu)。To this end, the company has developed a xiang guan policy。

· Code of Conduct

· Whistleblower Protection (bao) Protection and reward (li) Regulation (gui)


· Supply Chain (lian) Sustainability management policy

·RHI Responsible Mineral Supply (ying) chain (lian) shen litigation mechanism

· Responsible (ze) responsible (ren) Responsible (ze) management policy for the mineral resource supply chain

Labor and human rights

Environmental Health and Occupational Safety (quan)

Man He electric (dian) son(ge) in strict accordance with the labor law (fa) and other countries phase (xiang       ) close method (fa) of the law and overseas local use (DE) (DE) method (fa) law (fa) rules (GUI),jian maintains (chi) Public (gong)(gong) flat, public (gong)(gong) open (de)(de) Recruitment and Employment (gong) Policy (ce),堅(jian)決禁止雇傭和使用童(tong)工(gong),(gong)(gong) Equal treatment of different race (zu), nationality (zu), nationality, gender (de)(de) qiu (zhi) and employees (gong),Respect (zhong) each employee (gong) guan point (de) and thinking (fang) style。同時,can comply with the (de)(de) Human Rights (quan) xiang Regulations (li) in the Responsible (ren) Business (ye) Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct (DE),Respect the (de)(quan) right of all employees (gong) to free association (de),Create (zao) pluralistic (yuan) and inclusive (rong) (de) gong (gong) huan environment (jing)。

Ann (an) production all six zero (ling) (ling) mesh (mu) standard: zero (ling) (ling) heavy (zhong) (re-arrest --) (da) fire disaster (zai-shallow pits), zero (ling) (ling) explosion (bao) Fried things (shi) reason (gu), zero (ling) (ling) (zhonG) injury (shi) reason (gu), zero (ling) (ling) death (shi) reason (gu), zero (ling) (ling) position (zhi)      industry (shi) reason (gu) disease, zero (ling) (ling) ring         (huan bao (bao) things (shi)Therefore (gu)。

Occupational health (ye) (kang) policy: we promise to abide by the professional (ye) health (kang) and Ann (a       n) all (quan) (quan) laws and regulations,Establish an (quan)(quan) responsibility system (zhi),Participate through quan (quan) members (yuan),Scientific (xue) management,Continue to improve (chi),xiao (xun) training,It (que) member (yuan) occupational health (ye) (kang) and Ann (an) (qu     an) (quan)。

Environment (jing)        policy: bao (bao) to protect the earth's environment (jing), solid (shi), shi (shi) cleaning (j        ie) production, building a green culture (hua)。

· Labor (gong) Rights Protection Policy (ce)

· Occupational health and safety management voice

· Environmental management sheng ming

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